Simply put, a marketing degree can give you the skills and knowledge necessary to be able to work in nearly any industry that exists today, particularly because marketing is such an important part of any business plan. Advertising, market research, public relations, and more areas of business around the world will all take the holders of marketing degrees.
If you have a marketing degree, you might be able to enter into Internet marketing (although an Internet marketing degree, specifically, may be better suited toward that particular goal). You might be able to find a position working for a newspaper, or a magazine, just as much as you might be able to find a position working for a website, or for a manufacturing company, or for nearly any company that produces or sells a product.
If you're trying to figure out what you want to do with your college education, one of the most prominent questions in your mind is likely to be, "What can I do with this degree?" After all, the entire point of studying hard at college is to ultimately find a job in a profession that you're interested in. So, if you're looking at a marketing degree, you'd likely immediately ask, "What can I do with a degree in marketing?" Fortunately, there are a lot of answers that might validate your choice in pursuing a marketing degree.
What jobs can you get with a marketing degree?
Individuals with marketing degrees will generally enter into their professions through sales in some capacity, but they can easily work their way up through the ranks. Some of the positions you might land in with a marketing degree include those of marketing manager, product manager, sales manager, advertising manager, or public relations.
The marketing manager is a position for an individual who manages a number of other departments, and has them working together in order to maximize profit by understanding the market demand and adjusting operations appropriately. Normally, a marketing manager will require a master's degree in marketing.
A product manager is something like a marketing manager, but a product manager is focused on one specific product, as opposed to a large-scale, widespread marketing strategy. Product managers will almost certainly require bachelor's degrees in marketing, as a bare minimum, and very well may require higher level degrees and experience, as the field is very competitive.
Sales managers are the supervisors for sales teams. Sales managers make sure that the territories are clearly split up among the sales team members, and makes sure that the members are fulfilling their quotas. Sales managers hire and train new sales team members, and manage incentives programs for the sales team. Sales managers, like product managers, will need bachelor's degrees in marketing at the minimum, and will likely need additional experience to truly distinguish themselves.
Advertising managers are individuals who either apply their marketing knowledge to work in the field of account management, which is more business focused, or the creative side of advertising, where they create ads or ad campaigns. (Ever see Mad Men? Bunch of advertising managers, there, although I'm glad to say the alcohol and smoking aren't job requirements.)
So the bottom line there is that the answer to the question of "What can I do with a degree in marketing?" is "A vast array of productive, interesting, and best of all, well-paying job roles." Could you hope for much more?
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